When your loved one – your child, your parent or other relative – becomes ill, there is a lot of change involved in the lives of all people engaged in looking after that person. Responding to the necessity of providing care for that person engages a lot of energy, requires mental and physical strength, and it is often a strain for the household budget.
The centre of attention is the loved one, whose condition often gets worse with time, and his or her rehabilitation may bring positive results really slowly. It is obvious that this person suffers and experiences physical pain, helplessness, faces emotional dilemmas, and is aware of his condition. One needs to remember that the situation also affects the people who are involved in providing care.
In order to find the strength to maintain a positive attitude towards providing care for the loved one, it is crucial not to forget about yourself. In opposition to the loved one’s condition you must stay healthy as well as physically and mentally strong. Otherwise you may find yourself in a situation when lack of motivation, growing belief that the treatment is futile, progressing tiredness and inability of handling your loved one’s emotions makes you feel that looking after that person is an impossible and unbearable task.
How to manage your feelings and how to find the positive aspects of looking after your loved one? – You can find that information in the Healthy emotions section. Here you can find some advice on how to organise looking after your loved one.